Mon-Friday: 7am-7pm
Saturday: 9am-4pm
Sunday: Closed
Laundromat: 6am-10pm every day
Our Quality Pledge
Our Quality Pledge
We pride ourselves in offering our customers the highest quality of service, which is why we created the White Swan Quality Cleaners Pledge, which includes:
- Low prices everyday
- Same prices for men and women
- Shirt buttons replaced free without asking
- Garments pressed to perfection
- Orders ready on time, every time
In addition are retail stores offer:
- Extended hours to fit your busy schedule
- Drive-thru valet service (at select locations)
- Express service
Loss Policy
White Swan Quality Cleaners takes the utmost care in cleaning your clothing. This includes the implementation of systems designed to avoid misplaced or lost items. However, in the rare instance that your garment is lost, we will issue you a full and immediate refund or credit for the value of that garment, as specified in the National Fair Claims Guide for Consumer Textile Products.
If you are unsatisfied with the quality of our cleaning for any reason, we will re-clean your garment without charge.